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We have all seen inflammation in action, whether it be a rolled ankle or a little cut on the hand. The affected area gets red, hot, and swollen. This is a normal, beneficial process, that we need to happen to keep us alive. It protects us from bacteria, toxins, and helps heal our body.

The problem with inflammation is the more insidious, chronic inflammation, that is often occurring in our body. This is long term exposure to inflammation and we may not even notice it. This is why it has been called the “silent killer”. Until we become highly inflamed, we barely notice it occurring. This inflammation can come from processed foods, vegetable oils, trans fats, eating foods that we may be sensitive to, from environmental toxins, infections in the gums, bad teeth, from chronic levels of stress, not getting enough sleep, light pollution, and from high levels of free radicals.

Free radicals cause oxidative damage to the cells, inflammation responds to this cellular injury, it is a never-ending cycle.

High levels of inflammation play a role in pretty much every disease, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, autism, and even cancer. Chronic inflammation plays a role in asthma, acne, allergies, basically everything.

Inflammation negatively affects how well the mitochondria work. This has a huge impact on how much energy you are able to produce. It also affects how well your neurons will work.

Foods that cause inflammation typically do so by irritating the gut lining, which can trigger your immune system to attack healthy cells, through a process which has been called molecular mimicry.

Food sensitivities are very hard to identify as symptoms can take a long time to show up, they are often only slight (brain fog, mood swings, rashes, sore joints), and can seem unrelated to a food you may have eaten a day or two beforehand (sore joints as an example).

Foods that typically show up as problematic for most people are trans fats, vegetable oils, gluten, wheat, grain, dairy, and eggs. Elimination diets work because you often remove the offending food. It is very difficult to know which foods are causing a problem as you have to be very disciplined to make sure you don’t have any exposure to them but I think it is definitely worth trying to figure out. It is very individualised from one person to the next, so you have to make note of how you feel and not just what someone else tells you are “good” or “bad” foods. There are tests you can do for this but the most affordable way is to try an elimination diet. You could also do what Dave Asprey mentions and check your heart rate before a meal and then again, several times after. He says that if your heart rate increases by more than 17 beats per minute, it could indicate you have a sensitivity to that food you ate.

Supplementing with fish oil can be beneficial for helping to control levels of inflammation in the body. It is well known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. There are also many anti-inflammatory herbs such as turmeric (active ingredient curcumin) you can use but the most important thing to remember is to get rid of the source or sources of inflammation. It doesn’t matter how many supplements you take. If you are eating processed foods, consuming trans fats, being exposed to all sorts of toxins from your environment, and not sleeping well, you won’t get on top of the inflammation. It’s like having a blocked sink and the tap still running. You have to turn the tap off before unblocking the sink.

You can check your levels of inflammation through blood tests such as high-sensitive C-reactive protein (HS-CRP) and homocysteine.

Like most things, it is about balance. Inflammation is needed and necessary to keep us alive but you just don’t want too much of it for too long.



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Disclaimer: Any and all information on this website is intended for information purposes only and should not be seen as a substitute for working with a health professional. Before undertaking any exercise/nutrition/supplement program you must consult with your doctor/health professional.

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