Let's face it, kale isn't exactly at the top of anyones favourite foods list... but after playing around with a few flavours, I must admit that this one is starting to make its way up there!
Here's what you'll need:
Fresh bunch of kale
Juice of a full lemon or 2 tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar (with the mother)
1 tbsp organic whole mustard seeds
Pinch of pink salt
Pinch of black pepper
Here's what you'll do:
Chop the kale fine until shredded and add it to a large bowl
Add in the remaining ingredients and, using your hands, massage each of the leaves so they are all coated
Why do we massage the leaves?
Kale is notoriously course and can be very harsh on the digestive system. Massaging the leaves, especially with an acidic component (lemon, lime, ect.) assist in breaking down the fibre, improving our ability to digest them.
This salad can be used as it is or as a base recipe if you're feeling creative! A few personal favourites include:
Red raddishes sliced finely using a mandolin
Baby cucumbers
Red onions
Avocado slices