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Back Squat Progress - Locky

Lochlann Davies back squatting 57.5kg for 8 reps @ 53kg body weight.

Now this isn't a world record lift by any means. I am not showing for that reason. I am showing it to make the point that lifting is about progress and bettering yourself. It doesn't matter what others can lift. As Ed Coan has said many times "your numbers are your numbers and you should be proud of them".

When Locky started just a few months ago he weighed 47kg and couldn't squat the bar. This wasn't due to mobility or extremely poor technique like a lot of beginners, he just wasn't strong enough at that point. After doing some general preparation work he has built up a pretty decent squat for where he is at in his lifting life. As a rugby league player it is about being healthy to perform on the field, so being in season and still progressing in strength is a bonus.

This wasn't a maximal lift but we won't try and drive weight up from here next workout. We will consolidate the technique first and then start to add more weight once every rep is solid. There are many ways to progress than simply adding more weight to the bar each week or adding reps.

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