Tom came in on Monday with a sore shoulder from his rugby league game on the weekend. He had restricted range of motion that caused him a fair amount of pain. Being a contact injury, he had a decent amount of swelling as well.
I done a little bit of soft tissue and activation work on Tom and he gained a lot of range. The best part of it was that with this new range of motion, he was also pain free. It is a big improvement for about 5 minutes worth of work. Seeing him walk into the gym on Wednesday with the results holding is a great.
Many times in the past I had been treated with other methods only to have minor gains in range and minimal pain relief and the gains didn't last very long. To be able to help young blokes have lasting results really makes me happy. Whether or not Tom makes it back onto the field for this upcoming weekend is unknown but at least we are giving him the best chance to be ready.
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