Yesterday I got to train with one of my clients, something I rarely get to do. It was hard, I was a sweaty mess and I loved it!
It's important to me for my clients to know that training is just as hard for me as it is for them. I want them to know that I can't breath just as much as they can't, I want to give up just as much as they do, my legs are burning just as much as theirs are and I want to throw up just as much as they do.
The saying goes, "do as I say, not as I do" - this is shit. It should be "do as I do, not as I say". It's easy for me to say I train every day, it's easy for anyone to say that. How many trainers our there would actually show their clients that they do? Not a lot these days.
I train alone, not for any particular reason, but that's just how I do it. I can push myself without anyone yelling and screaming at me saying "one more rep" (I hate those people). What I do like though when I get to train with my clients is that I push myself harder than I normally do. I need to lead by example and show them that I'm not just preaching to them, I'm right there with them doing exactly what they're doing and feeling exactly how they're feeling.